black masked dumbo
Diego was born here to milo and vegas. He was born in jan of 2009. He was a breeder at frannies rattery and now is looking for his home. Diego needs to live alone. He had to leave his home and cage mates from frannies rattery and does not get along with any of my boys. I think the move was too much for him. But he loves people and enjoys cuddling. he is very very mellow and calm. He will enjoy watching movies with a lucky little girl or boy to be his rat parent. I am willing to give a cage to Diego's new parents.
"Timmy" and "Moe"
these two boys were class pets at valley view elementary, they LOVE children and super gentle and sweet. they are wonderful little boys . a family with children would be best for these chubby loves. Timmy is 1 year and moe is 6 months
update: timmy now lives at the hoggle zoo and is on display
pink eyed white
this little cutie was abandoned at petsmart. she was way skinny but i took her home and she is now doing very well, she is really mellow and low maintenance. she currently lives in my "retirement" cage and enjoys her cage mate Mia. I dont know how old she is, she is a sweet heart and enjoys to be scratched on her back.
mink rex Berkshire female
I got Lucy and her sister kat in October, baby pictures can be found on photo gallery page. they spent time at frannie's rattery and now Lucy is searching for a new home. she is very mellow and easy going, she gives kisses and loves to "hug" you.I have really enjoyed her stay here, if interested please let me know.
"Nema" black berk female
super affectionate and sweet, tons of energy. about 4 months old, wonderful personality and gets along with all animals. sister to polly.
Ranger and Talan wer former breeders at Heath rattery, They were brought to me the begining of January. They had mites and were under weight but with meds, food and love they are now back to there former selves and ready for new homes.There hair is very thin due to infestation of mites but now that the mites are gone they are starting to grow hair again. Talan is a lover!He gives kisses like crazy! Ranger is more adventurous but enjoys a quick scratch behind the ear. They adore the baby boys they live with. Its so cute to see them grooming the babies! can come with a cage. do not need to go together.
A2R Bean was born 7.28.2009 to Kamille and Otto. Bean spent some time at Frannies Rattery and is now searching for his forever home. He is currently living in my little boy cage (boys that are old enough to leave mom but cannot live with the girlies) So he will do very well with one of his current cage mates (any boy on my available baby rats page) He is a stunning cinnamon agouti masked dumbo.
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